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Cover for Oscar Longoria State Representative District 35
Oscar Longoria State Representative District 35

Oscar Longoria State Representative District 35

Oscar Longoria is a member of the Texas House of Representatives for House District 35, serving his fifth term in office.

This morning, I participated in a great panel discussion about the roles of Tech and Al in Texas.

Texas is at the forefront of using new technology to continue economic growth through careful planning, innovation, and implementation.

Thank you to the Texas Association of Business for the invitation and for all that you do for Texas businesses and workers.
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This morning, I participated in a great panel discussion about the roles of Tech and Al in Texas.

Texas is at the forefront of using new technology to continue economic growth through careful planning, innovation, and implementation.

Thank you to the Texas Association of Business for the invitation and for all that you do for Texas businesses and workers.
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Thank you for all that you do to represent us 🙏🏻♥️

Fantastic Oscar!

As a seasoned CPA .. I warn politicians on their Role related to AI lobbying folks.. Decisions affect everyone .

I had a great morning spreading Christmas cheer with the La Joya ISD Head Start, handing out toys to over 120 kids! 

Thank you to the staff for helping us continue this fun tradition. 
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I had a great morning spreading Christmas cheer with the La Joya ISD Head Start, handing out toys to over 120 kids! 

Thank you to the staff for helping us continue this fun tradition. 
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Thank you for always supporting our community!

That you for all that you do Oscar Longoria State Representative District 35 ♥️♥️ God bless you and your family

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that you enjoy a restful day with family and loved ones.
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Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that you enjoy a restful day with family and loved ones. 

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Happy Thanksgiving Blessings

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It was an honor to recognize Keily Guzman and her parents on the House Floor today! Keily is La Joya ISD`s first powerlifting state champion!

On her way to the win, she broke the state record in squat (425 pounds) and total lift (1,005 pounds). Congratulations, Keily!

To the most important woman in our lives, Happy Mother`s Day!

I hope you all have a great day with your loved ones.

He is risen! From my family to yours, Happy Easter!

Yesterday was another productive day in the Business & Industry Committee. We heard several bills, including my HB 2497, which keeps Texas the number one state in the country for businesses!

Cookie season is coming to an end. Please support your local Girl Scouts! Get your cookies before they are gone!🍪 #Girldad #GirlScoutCookies #txlege @girlscouts @gs_gstx @heb @ruizlongoria @madisonleelongoria @camillaleelongoria ...

I had a blast selling Girl Scout cookies with my daughter Madison today. It`s always great to spend quality time with her, and it`s even better when we`re supporting her cookie business. I love watching her develop her business skills, confidence, and communication skills. 🍪❤️ #girlscouts #girldad #txlege @gs_gstx @girlscouts @heb @madisonleelongoria #girlscoutcookies🍪 #thisismyheb ...

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